Why we have removed the term ECO from our product names (but are no less sustainable)

Maybe you noticed. Some time ago we removed the word 'ECO' from LAB PAINT product names. However, we remain a sustainable paint label, just as you are used to from us. Why did we change the name and what does it mean in practice? We explain it in this blog.

LAB PAINT sustainable wall paint
LAB Wallpaint in Limited Jade no. 479 , Epic Tiger no. 246 and Soft Pillow no. 264 . Photo: @studio22.haarlem

LAB PAINT is a sustainable paint line, developed and produced in the Netherlands. Our paint meets the requirements of various sustainability characteristics. For example, LAB Wallpaint is a water-based matte wall paint that is extremely suitable as a durable finish for walls and ceilings that meet high quality requirements. Its recipe meets the requirements of the French A+ label and the BREEAM (HEA 9) sustainability mark, which guarantees a clean indoor climate. This makes it safe enough to use in children's rooms and hospitals. Our paint also meets the requirements of the HACCP quality mark, making it safe to use in kitchens. We will officially start the application procedure for these quality marks before the end of this year, so that we have them from 2023.

In addition, LAB Wallpaint helps to neutralize and strongly reduce the formaldehyde level (a substance in the air that is harmful). We supply our paint in recyclable cans and use solar panels in the production of almost all of our paints. This wall paint meets scrub class 1, so it lasts a long time. In the meantime, we continue to investigate how we can reduce our footprint.

When is something ecological?

Ecological means that a product is in accordance with the natural relationship between an environment and the organisms that live in it. This goes beyond the fact that it is (more) environmentally friendly. 'Eco' has become something of a generic term used by many companies to demonstrate that something is sustainable. By using that term you quickly give the impression that a product is really ecological. But if you do further research, it turns out that this word is often misused. For example, we ourselves have learned more and more about the meaning in recent years and it no longer feels good to use this term due to advancing insight. We are now much deeper into the matter than before and are able to make our own judgement. With the knowledge we now have compared to when we just launched LAB PAINT, we would no longer choose to use the label ecologically. Despite the fact that nothing has changed in our recipe.

Ensure quality

To guarantee the quality, certain additives are added to the paint. Think of preservatives to prevent paint from molding. In addition, certain products contain raw materials to guarantee quality. In LAB Binnenlak, for example, an addition is made to make the paint more resistant to skin grease. Previously, this was a common complaint with water-based paints.

LAB PAINT is also colored with pigments. These not only ensure the right color, but also provide long-term protection of the surface. Synthetic pigments are the most common and are built up from artificial production. Natural pigments have the major disadvantage that they do not last as long and that it is difficult to guarantee a stable colour. The pigments we use to tint LAB PAINT are extremely durable and colourfast, but not ecological. We are currently consciously opting for this, because as a high-quality paint label we want to be able to guarantee consistent quality. Our customers must be confident that they will receive the LAB COLOR they ordered and that the paint will not discolour.

Because the lifespan of paint with natural pigments is shorter, it has to be repainted sooner. If you look at what is required for this (from new paint and painting supplies to the necessary transport movements), this does not benefit the sustainability of the product. As long as natural organic pigments cannot yet meet the quality and properties of our current pigments, we believe that they are not yet suitable as a sustainable alternative.

LAB Wallpaint | durable wall paint
LAB Wallpaint in Ibiza Rush no. 966 and Golden Leaf no. 752 . Photo: @atelieroost.amsterdam

How we want to make LAB PAINT even more sustainable

The paint market is changing enormously in terms of sustainability. We believe it is important to continue to take steps in this direction and are constantly investigating how this can be done without making concessions to the quality of the products. Sustainability also means that products last a long time. The new LAB outside line is a good example of this. All these products are produced in the Netherlands and have been specially developed for the Dutch climate. As with the rest of the LAB PAINT range, no concessions have been made to the quality, so you can count on an extremely durable result.

LAB Exterior paint is modified with a UV filter for maximum gloss retention and weather resistance. This has been achieved through a substantial reduction of organic fossil raw materials. The product lasts a long time; the paint is expected to have a maintenance cycle of approximately ten to twelve years.

We are already well on our way, but we want to continue to develop further and be transparent about the sustainable steps we are taking. It is an ongoing process in which we always have to look at how we can become more sustainable, without compromising on the quality of the paint. We think it is important to look at the entire chain and opt for a complete approach from manufacturer to delivery to the customer. We are constantly learning, which helps us to reduce our footprint even further.

Corporate Social Responsibility

LAB PAINT's vision is 'paint your house, color the world'. We think it is important not only to color the world with paint, but also to really contribute to a better world by doing more. We do our best to be a socially responsible business and believe that everyone has a place in society. We consciously choose to outsource certain activities to people with a distance to the labor market, such as filling our sample jars.

To prevent waste and minimize the waste stream of paint, we occasionally release LAB Second Life. By mixing paint left over from, for example, painting color samples and paint with which something went wrong during mixing, we create a limited edition LAB COLOR and this paint literally gets a second life. So twice sustainable!

In addition, we try to make a difference worldwide with the LAB PAINT FOUNDATION . For every can of LAB PAINT that is sold, a portion of the proceeds go to the foundation. With this we want to make clean and safe (drinking) water accessible to thousands of people by making water installations and the associated infrastructure available in developing countries. We are also working on behavioral change, so that the problem is tackled at its core. We do this together with specialized organizations that know the area well and know what is needed locally.

Also read: Marjolein Bouhuijzen's self-designed concrete-look compartment cabinet

1 comment

  • Laura

    Wat goed dat jullie zo eerlijk naar je eigen product kunnen kijken en transparant zijn over hoe alles tot stand komt en wat er wel en niet ecologisch is aan jullie product en waarom. Dit waardeer ik heel erg!

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