LAB Wallpaint

LAB Wallpaint


LAB Wallpaint is a matte water-based wall paint. This durable finish for indoor walls and ceilings is easy to process, provides good coverage and can be cleaned according to scrub class 1. In addition, this high-quality, durable wall paint does not contain any toxic substances and can therefore be used safely in kitchens, baby and children's rooms, hospitals, etc. and schools.

You will achieve the best result if you take the application advice to heart beforehand. In it you can read, for example, when it is best to pre-treat the surface with LAB Wallfix and that at least two layers of LAB Wallpaint are required for good coverage and to achieve the scrub class.

Buy the complete wall paint processing package at a reduced price. Then you can be sure that you have everything you need for your paint project!