Eigen Huis & Tuin: Lekker Leven episode 17, March 9, 2021. From uncozy mess room to chic, atmospheric bedroom with LAB COLORS Smokey Eyes no. 47, Hero's Time no. 138 and Stone no. 28 in the lead role.

In episode 17 (March 9, 2021) of Eigen Huis & Tuin: Lekker Leven, stylist Denise went to work with handyman Patrick at Marike and Bas for a chic and atmospheric bedroom. They wanted color, but were not sure how. In addition, they could also use some storage space. Denise and Patrick knew what to do with this.

The wall and niche behind the bed is painted in Smokey Eyes no. 47 . In addition, the old walk-in closet was updated, the doors were painted in Stone no. 28 and the wall next to it was also given a different color. This was painted with LAB ECO Wallpaint in the shade Hero's Time no. 138 . The blue colors in combination with a warm beige with gray undertones from concrete create a relaxed atmosphere.

Read the full article "From uncozy junk room to chic, atmospheric bedroom" here or watch episode 17 of Eigen Huis & Tuin: Enjoy life back here.

Photography: Sonja Velda