The latest LAB COLORS in vtwonen city

LAB COLORS in vtwonen city

In vtwonen city (a special supplement to vtwonen 13/2022) the editors look back at the vtwonen&design fair . With 52 pages you get a unique look behind the scenes and you are taken into the various inspiration houses of the vtwonen stylists.

LAB COLORS in vtwonen city

Liza Wassenaar designed a beautiful Travel Loft using the new colors from the LAB COLOR COLLECTION . She went for Golden Leaf No. 752 , Epic Tiger No. 246 , Pure Black No. 50 and Shade of Linen No. 561 . She also applied LAB Cementum (concrete look) and LAB Chalk (lime paint).

LAB COLORS in vtwonen city

Scan the QR codes in the magazine for all details or read this blog . There you will discover exactly where Liza used which LAB COLOR or special.