How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original paint?
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Classico ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer of Pure & Original Classico . For example: for a surface of 11 mx 2 m (22 m² : 10.5 m² = 2.1 liters) you need 2.1 liters of Pure & Original Classico for 1 layer (calculated with a consumption of 10.5 m² per liter).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Fresco ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer of Pure & Original Fresco . For example: for a surface of 10 mx 2 m (20 m² : 9 m² = 2.22 liters) you need 2.22 liters of Pure & Original Fresco for 1 layer (calculated with a consumption of 9 m² per liter).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Licetto ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Licetto. For example: for a surface of 10 mx 2 m (20 m² : 9 m² = 2.22 litres) you need 2.22 litres of Pure & Original Licetto for 1 layer (calculated with a consumption of 9 m² per litre).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Marrakech Walls ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Marrakech Walls . For example: for a surface of 6 mx 2 m (12 m² : 6 m² = 2 liters) you need 2 liters of Pure & Original Marrakech Walls for 1 layer (calculated with a consumption of 6 m² per liter).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Dead Flat Eco Sealer ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Dead Flat Eco Sealer . For example: for a surface of 10 mx 2 m (20 m² : 11 m² = 1.8 liters) you need 1.8 liters of Pure & Original Dead Flat Eco Sealer for 1 layer (calculated with a consumption of 11 m² per liter).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Carazzo ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Carazzo. For example: for a surface of 10 mx 2 m (20 m² : 11 m² = 1.8 litres) you need 1.8 litres of Pure & Original Carazzo for 1 layer required (calculated with a consumption of 11 m² per litre).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Traditional Paint Eggshell ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Traditional Paint Eggshell. For example: for a surface of 15 mx 2 m (30 m² : 13.5 m² = 2.2 liters) you need 2.2 liters of Pure & Original Traditional Paint Eggshell for 1 layer required (calculated with a consumption of 13.5 m² per litre).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Traditional Paint High-Gloss ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Traditional Paint High -Gloss. For example: for a surface of 10 mx 2 m (20 m² : 11 m² = 1.8 liters) you need 1.8 liters of Pure & Original Traditional Paint High-Gloss for 1 layer required (calculated with a consumption of 11 m² per litre).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Wallprim Pro ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Wallprim Pro. For example: for a surface of 10 mx 2 m (20 m² : 9 m² = 2.22 litres) you need 2.22 litres of Pure & Original Wallprim Pro for 1 layer (calculated with a consumption of 9 m² per litre).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Omniprom Pro ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Omniprom Pro. For example: for a surface of 10 mx 2 m (20 m² : 11 m² = 1.8 litres) you need 1.8 litres of Pure & Original Omniprom Pro for 1 layer (calculated with a consumption of 11 m² per litre).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Calx Kalei ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Calx Kalei. For example: for a surface of 15 mx 2 m (30 m² : 7.5 m² = 4 liters) you need 4 liters of Pure & Original Calx Kalei for 1 layer (calculated with a consumption of 7.5 m² per liter).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Quartz Kalei ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Quartz Limestone. For example: for a surface of 3 mx 2 m (6 m² : 1.5 m² = 4 liter) you need for 1 layer 4 liter of Pure & Original Quartz Kalei required (calculated with a consumption of 1.5 m² per liter).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Traditional High-Gloss Elements ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Traditional High-Gloss Elements . For example: for a surface of 10 mx 2 m (20 m² : 11 m² = 1.8 liter) you need 1.8 for 1 layer liter Pure & Original Traditional High-Gloss Elements required (calculated on the basis of a consumption of 11 m² per liter).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Classico Elements ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Classico Elements . For example: for a surface of 11 mx 2 m (22 m² : 10.5 m² = 2.1 liter) you need 2.1 for 1 layer liter Pure & Original Classico Elements required (calculated with a consumption of 10.5 m² per liter).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Wallfix ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original W allfix. For example: for a surface of 25 mx 2 m (50 m² : 17.5 m² = 2.8 liter) you need 2.8 for 1 layer litres of Pure & Original Wallfix required (calculated with a consumption of 17.5 m² per litre).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Lime Soap ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Lime Soap . For example: for a surface of 10 mx 2 m (20 m² : 10 m² = 2 liters) you need 2 liters of Pure & Original Lime Soap for 1 layer (calculated with a consumption of 10 m² per liter).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Italian Wax ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Italian Wax . For example: for a surface of 15 mx 2 m (30 m² : 2 0 m² = 1.5 liter) you need 1.5 liters of Pure & Original Italian Wax for 1 layer (calculated on the basis of a consumption of 20 m² per liter).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.
How do you calculate the required amount of Pure & Original Fresco Special Fix ?
Measure the length and width of the surface you are going to treat. Multiply this by each other and then divide it by the consumption per liter. Now you know how many liters you need for 1 layer Pure & Original Fresco Special Fix. For example: for a surface of 25 mx 2 m (50 m²: 17.5 m² = 2.8 liter) you need 2.8 liters of Pure & Original Fresco Special Fix for 1 layer required (calculated with a consumption of 17.5 m² per litre).
Please read the product advice carefully before use for optimal results.